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Financial aid

Investing In Student Potential

SUTech -POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT- is committed to meeting the financial challenges of our student’s education by providing grants on tuition fees.


To apply for financial aid program, undergraduate students must meet the following requirements:


Enrolled or accepted to SUTech.


Demonstrate financial need by submitting a financial aid application form and the needed supporting documents.


Demonstrate grave circumstances backed by the necessary documents such as:

  • Medical reports of a family member suffering from a grave illness
  • Medical report of the family’s primary provider suffering from a disability
  • The passing of the family’s primary provider


  •  Students receive fixed grants to reduce tuition fees.
  • The grants remain constant until graduation from SUTech (unless otherwise notified).


  • Undergraduate students who were granted financial aid do not have to renew their applications.
  • Only undergraduate students who have been awarded temporary financial aid need to renew their application if they wish to do so.
  • Late or Incomplete applications will not be considered for Financial.







Students May Only Present the Documents that They Find Applicable to Their Cases.


  • Official statement of father's net salary (original)
  • Official statement of mother's net salary (original)
  • If self-employed, a statement of net income from a certified legal accountant or tax declaration form
  • Official statement of student’s salary (original)
  • Official statement of father's pension
  • Official statement of mother's pension
  • Contract of rented real estate


  • Receipts or certificates of schools and universities for siblings
  • Medical reports or receipts (in case of expenses that exceed LE 1,500 per family member)
  • Statement of loan installments

Other documents

  • Death certificate
  • Divorce certificate
  • End of job contract
  • Registration



Our scholarship is a testament to our commitment to provide individuals with the opportunity to pursue a world-class education. Learn more and apply to pursue your studies in accredited and trusted programs with SUTech POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT- highly competitive scholarships.

Student Financing

SUTech -POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT- avails different student financing options to lessen the financial burden of our student and to provide a more comprehensive financing plan to our gradates. Learn more and apply for student financing.