ELSEWEDY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY -POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT-  proudly announces that its official Inauguration event witnessing the university's faculty members taking an oath by the academic staff has occurred on the 20th of May 2024 in the presence of Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, delivering a speech during the celebration of this occasion to the following attendees:  Dr. Tarek Shawky, former Minister of Education, and Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, Governor Sharkia, Engineer Ahmed ElSewedy, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, Sadek ElSewedy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ElSewedy Industries Group, Dr. Ayman Bahaa, President of ElSewedy University of Technology, Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabbagh, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Technical and Technological Education, and a number of Presidents of universities and banks, and presidents and representatives of companies.
The Prime Minister began his speech by expressing his gratitude to be among the CEO’s and presidents on this special day, which witnesses the official launch of ELSEWEDY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY -POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT- pointing out that human power is an essential element of the industrial sector, and is largely based on it in achieving success, explaining that the various experiences of successful industrial countries in the world confirm that the industrial renaissance begins with interest in technological education. Therefore, the state supports the efforts of the private sector in the process of developing practical education in the form of technological universities.
Dr. Mostafa Madbouly noted that the private industrial sector is the one that runs these schools, and thus it qualifies the workers required for the specialized industrial sectors, and allows them to obtain job opportunities immediately after their graduation. Therefore, given the nature of Egyptian society, which is characterized by the desire to complete education beyond the school level, the idea of ​​establishing technological universities came from here, and we as a country encouraged this model, and today we are witnessing the opening of SUT -POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT- which will hopefully serve as a model of great success.
The Prime Minister said: We believe as a country that SUT -POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT- is what provides the industry with models of qualified youth, and we have seen in many successful countries that when focusing on the polytechnic model from universities, a major breakthrough occurs in the industrial sector.
ELSEWEDY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY -POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT- is honored by the powerful words of the Prime Minister expressing his appreciation for the university with its educational facilities. He acknowledged ElSewedy Group for its pioneering role, whether in establishing technical schools or technological universities, as well as groups of Egyptian businessmen loyal to their country who are implementing this model in other places, stressing that the Egyptian state will be very keen to support these models in a significant way.
Eng. Ahmed ElSewedy, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees has also delivered a speech during the celebration, during which he expressed his gratitude that the university was honored by the visit of the Prime Minister, to participate in its opening, indicating ElSewedy Group’s great interest in the file of technological education as it considers it a major guarantee for strengthening the industrial sector with qualified cadres, pointing out that achieving the goal of a good industry requires obtaining a distinguished worker and a competent engineer, on a global level, and this will only be achieved with practical education and equipped laboratories, pointing out that this is the secret of many countries that have taken important steps in the path of industrial development.
ENG. Ahmed Elsewedy confirmed that ELSEWEDY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY -POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT- seeks to provide high-quality educational opportunities for the youth in the fields of modern technology, in cooperation with local and international higher education institutions, which contributes to reducing the gap between educational outcomes and the needs of the labor market, by providing a competent graduate capable of innovation and competition in the local and global labor market, and qualifying graduates with a package of skills necessary to meet the requirements of future jobs.
The Prime Minister listened to an explanation from Hanan Al-Rihani, CEO of ELSEWEDY EDTECH, a member of the university’s Board of Trustees, explaining that ELSEWEDY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY -POLYTECHNIC OF EGYPT- includes three main phases, and what has opened today is only the first phase of the project.